Next Wednesday, the shares of Starward Industries, a Krakow-based producer of AA+ video games, will debut on NewConnect. The company is in advanced work on a title based on one of the novels by Stanisław Lem. The premiere is planned for the end of 2021 and will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the writer's birth.
187,716 shares will be traded on the stock exchange, including 73,005 series H shares sold for PLN 41 at a public share subscription at the end of last year. The company collected PLN 2.99 million from the offer, and the subscription reduction rate was 22.19%. In total, 10.18% of the share capital will be introduced into trading, consisting of series H shares (PRE-IPO issue) and series G shares.
- We are waiting with the whole team for the first listing, this is an important step, which for us is the culmination of nearly two years' journey towards making Starward public. Soon we will show players and investors the first effects of work. I am aware that to this day we have practically worked behind closed doors, which results from the adopted marketing strategy. - says Marek Markuszewski, president of Starward Industries.
- We are counting on the long-term growth of the Company's fundamental value. We constantly focus our efforts on the video game that we create, this is absolutely the most important area for the Company's Management Board. - emphasizes the president.
In the meantime, the experienced team from Krakow continues their production activities based on the works of Stanisław Lem. The sales potential of the FPP title in the atompunk climate is estimated by the developer at 500-700 thousand copies within a year from the multi-platform premiere. The game is developed on the Unreal Engine and is designed for both "large" consoles and personal computers. In July, the company completed its seventh milestone. The premiere of the game is scheduled for the end of 2021, which is the 100th anniversary of Stanisław Lem's birth.