The Management Board of Starward Industries S.A. ("Issuer") informs about receiving a decision from 11 bit studios S.A ("Publisher") regarding the setting of the global release date of "The Invincible" ("Game") for November 6, 2023, taken in accordance with the cooperation agreement in production and release of a video game of June 12, 2022 (about which the Issuer informed in the ESPI current report No. 2/2022). The game will be released on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, GOG), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X consoles.
The regular price of the Game is set at USD/EUR 29.99 for PC (digital and physical), USD/EUR 29.99 for console digital edition and USD/EUR 34.99 for console physical edition.
We invite you to watch the new trailer: https://youtu.be/9-KvfzwdAqw